Finals will be hard playing again vs Demonio, team that have already beaten us in the group stage, but we will give our best shot to try and win. ; )

Most active players in the recent matches were:


Quake Live HUD Generator

Most important stuff are new advanced options for private servers that can change the gameplay a lot, like:
- Damage Through Floors
- Ramp Jumping (it reminds to CPMA movement when u use jump on some small ledge, it will give u a lot of vertical speed allowing you to reach much higher levels)
- Quad Damage Factor (2x, 3x, 4x, 6x)
- Gravity Change
- Weapon Switch Speed (CPMA feature)
- Power-up and runes toggle.
Luckily, there are some standards that are to be used in various cups and ladders, which is the most important thing.
Of course, there are a lot of bugs including inability to callvote when Standard server is spawned :/
Full changelog can be read here.

They will be joining the others at the squad.

That would be our first accomplishment as a team brainWashed and I want to thank all members for playing and actually finishing one full season.
Our MVP of the tournament was Oleedee and props to him for actually being there when needed.
We started 2v2 in Clanbase as well, so I hope we will become a little bit more active so we could finish that season as well.