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27 June 2014
Pozz svima!

09 February 2014
Kup veceras u 6!!

19 January 2014
cekirajte forum za info o duel kupu !

01 January 2014
Sretna Nova svima // Happy New Year to all !!

13 February 2013
Sup pplz.... anyone up for game tonight ? Smile

MembersWell after few guys leaving the squad, we got few very dedicated players interested in playing QL and they are:


Some of them like nash and TurboLaffe are known from the past clans, while the rest are completely new guys.
I certainly hope they will have good time playing in .wd and they will be active as they are supposed to : P

Anyway , have fun guys , hopefully we pwn some teams together !

MembersThere has been some changes regarding brainWashed team, with r1ff taking care of his business, we are short for 2 more guys and those are blackf1re and mobish, both not having so much time to dedicate to QL, or at least not as the rest is expecting them to. So maybe for the best we are going the separate ways, but I`m wishing them best of luck in the future.

HF guys Wink
MembersWe just acquired two new members for CTF squad and lose some: Mactox our (now ex.) CTF leader found some good job irl and close the chapter in gaming, so we got two new members in our brainWashed community for CTF and they are owna and bartolome0. Owna will also lead the CTF squad and be in charge of making sure our CTF team get regular training and that we are playing in a various cups.

Welcome guys laugh
MembersUnfortunately our respected team member known as bongo87, has announced his departure from us, so with sad voice we must say to him Good Luck in future endavours and it was nice playing with ya .. We hope for your return sometimes soon Smile

So we`re again in a search of a skilled TDM player. Some previous engagement in (at least) semi-skilled TDM teams is preferable. You can apply for a position here or contact PerpetualWar on #brainwashed.ql @ irc.quakenet.org.
GeneralIn this 3rd edition of Quake Live One Night Wonders cup, we got something a little bit different than regular Duel competition, and that`s 2v2 TDM competition.

Format of the cup is Single Elimination Bo3 with 16 teams in it. Cup is scheduled for 22 April 2010 with start at 19:00 cest and played until it`s over (approximately around 00:00 cest).
Important to remember is that sign-up period is active till the 21 April 2010 at 16:00 cest.

Communication between players (and admins) can be done through the match comments or on #esportsheaven at quakenet.

For additional information check the Cup page.

Number of teams: 16
Max. number of teams: 32
Start date & time: Thursday 22nd of April 2010 at 19:00 cest
End date: Thursday 22nd of April 2010
Format: Single Elimination, Bo3
Admins: PerpetualWar
Cup page: Click here
IRC: #esportsheaven
Twitter: Click here

Reference: Esports Heaven
BrainwashedIn May starts TDM League organized by Czech community focused on TDM. I think we can register, even it's only for CZ/SK scene, still we have czech members. Registration is till 30th April, so let me know if we are interested. If I manage all the administrative stuff, shouldn't be problem, because I'm local. Could be nice experience.
BrainwashedWe were thinking about making a frag movie consisting of frags from our players, so I'm going to do it. Nothing major for the first project, so all brainWashed players are encouraged to start sending demos with timings and description of each frag to redays2kgmail.com